The Price of a Smile

A smile costs nothing but gives much .It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment but the memory of it sometimes lasts for -ever. No one is so mighty or rich that he can along without a smile or no one is so poor but that he can be made rich by it. A smile creates happiness in the home fosters goodwill in business and is the counter sign of Friendship.

A smile brings rest to the weary cheer to the discouraged sunshine to the sad and is Nature’s best antidote for trouble .Yet it cannot be bought begged nor borrowed or stolen for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give a smile, give them one of yours as no one needs a smile as so much as he who has none to give and always remember it is impossible to smile on the outside without feeling better on the inside. In ABRAHAM LINCOLN’S words “It is true that most people are about as happy as they make up to be”. If we want to be happy begin where we are not to wait for some rapture that future and far to begin to be glad and joyous and soon we will forget that we were ever sad.

Just walk along the corridors of a hospital and look at the pain in the patients eyes; will it be so difficult to give him your smile? Stop at the crossroads and you will see that there is someone who needs to be, blinded by   grief and troubled by chores your little smile may go a long mile. Look at the men in uniform, they may seem too tough all dressed up and bent up to do their duty don’t you think he needs your smile to enjoy his day’s beauty. Look to left and look to your right I’m sure there’s someone who needs your smile. Look inside you and you will see that a smile means a lot more than you think .So when you travel down life’s road remember just that your smile may turn someone’s life a whole way around and be so sure that it will not go in vain that whatever you sow that you reap just do your bit to make the world a better place and you will find more joy in giving than in getting.


About Mohamed Salim

Business Technologist

Posted on March 12, 2011, in En-GeneralNews. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Hi…it is true that smile can impact positively to the receiver when it is projected with right person who show it as deep value to share. there some smiles that can be be received as aggressive or even joking habits but that it’s all about a stat of been between who transmit the smile and who’s the receiver…

  2. Salut … il est vrai que le sourire peut avoir une incidence positive sur le récepteur quand il est projeté avec la bonne personne qui le montrent en tant que valeur profonde de partager. il ya des sourires que l'on peut être reçu comme agressif ou même les habitudes plaisanterie, mais que tout est sur une statistique de fait entre ceux qui transmettent le sourire et qui est le récepteur …

  3. Good morning all,
    It’s true, smile has no price but most of people don’t take care because the world is become a material, nobody talking about of things like that; also, to smile means we are in love and anybody can gives his point of view about “love” but all of these points of views give the same.
    Smile is the thing which all peoples (religions) share because is the sign of the life; we don’t need to be happy before smile but a small gesture front of your friend. I remember that the Prophet Mohamed said: “to smile to your friend is like to make a donation”.
    To finish my comment, I am agree with ABRAHAM LINCOLN’s word, we can smile even we are not happy because there is two typical of smile: the first one, we smile when something good happens to us and we’re feeling happy; the second one; we smile just to show others that we live, we are not die. But how we recognize these typical of smile????????????????????

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